I collect mostly teddy bears of the Build A Bear variety these days when it comes to plush-- namely because it's entirely too fun to restore and customize older ones found at thrift stores and on eBay. There is a smattering of other types of plush, but the accessibility (and "this is your special creature born from your wishes" vibe) of BaB make it easy to dream up all sorts of characters.
This is our current cast of characters, the lovely bears that live with me Most of them have been customized in some way, because I can never resist once I figure out a bear's personality.
Please note that none of these plush are for sale, and these profiles are not sales listings-- I just wanna tell you about my collection :D
With no further ado, here are my plush!

Lychee Candy
Type: 2024 Sun Sparkle Bear
Customizations: Custom safety eyes and scent satchet, ear and septum piercings, sewn on felt tongue
Scent: Lychee Rose
Personality: Lychee is a silly, carefree little guy who loves food, lazy days, and long naps. He's the bear I'm always hanging out with, because he's so easy-going! I want to sew him lots of wild patterned shirts because he doesn't mind clothes as long as they're comfy.
click to read more about Lychee
Alba Rosa
Type: Myrtle Beach Hibiscus Bunny
Customizations: Custom safety eyes and scent satchet, modded into a zip-up bag with crossbody strap
Personality: Alba is a gem. She's a fairly absent-minded bunny who loves shopping and wandering around... but she unfortunately has a little bit of an impulsive spending problem. She guards my wallet really well when we go out because preventing me from spending money is her way of showing love!
click to read more about Alba
Cherry Sour
Type: Pink Camo Bear
Customizations: Custom safety eyes and scent satchet, eyelashes, reduced mouth embroidery, ear, cheek, and septum piercings
Scent: Maiden by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Personality: Miss Cherry is an opinionated and haughty bear who believes she has the best taste in all things. Extremely picky about what she wears. I plan to make her some cool punk lolita clothes-- hopefully that will be chic enough for her.
click to read more about Cherry
Peach "Momo" Mochi
Type: ?
Customizations: Custom safety eyes
Scent: Build A Bear Peach... For now
Personality: Momo is Lychee's sensitive little sister. She's very easily overwhelmed by crowds and loud noises, and cries very easily. She told me she wants to conquer her fears, though... so we will be modifying her into a bag so she can run errands with me.
click to read more about Momo
Sundae Sprinkle
Type: Dairy Queen Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard Bear
Customizations: Custom safety eyes
Scent: Build A Bear Strawberry... for now
Personality: Sundae is an enigma. She seems like a Don Quixote type, but instead of a knight fighting windmills, she believes she is a tough, independent, 1920s flapper running an ice cream speakeasy. Either that, or she's some sort of time traveller. All I can say is, the 1920's ice cream prohibition in Bearland effected the teddy bear psyche harder than we humans thought...
click to read more about Sundae
Pearlie Mae Periwinkle
Type: 2012 Blooming Teddy
Customizations: Custom safety eyes
Scent: Build A Bear Birthday Cake... for now
Personality: Pearlie Mae is a simple, gentle country girl with a big heart. She seems like a fish out of water in the big city, but does her best to live life at her own pace. She's an excellent listener and makes great cookies. She for sure needs a frilly apron though...
click to read more about Pearlie Mae
Maxwell Beauregard Whimsy
Customizations: Custom safety eyes and scent satchet
Scent: Dorian by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Personality: Whimsy is an incorrigable dandy, and passionate about the Decadent literary movement of the 1890s. He would like for me to make him lots of lacy jabots, cravats, and cuffs, which sounds doable. I said no to the velvet swallowtail jacket he also asked for, though.
click to read more about Whimsy
Aurora Twinkle
Type: Pink Penguin
Customizations: None yet
Scent: None yet
Personality: Coming soon...
click to read more about Aurora
Millie "Anxiety Cheetah" Cheetah
Type: Build a Bear WWF Cheetah
Customizations: Custom scent satchet, weighted to an absolute brick-like degree
Scent: Death Cap by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Personality: Millie is the Team Mom around here, but she's maybe as anxious as I am. If I'm having a panic attack, though, she's the one I reach for.
click to read more about Millie
Aloha Kippy
Type: Tropical Hello Kitty (no idea what year! if you're a BaB HK expert, contact me!)
Customizations: None
Scent: Build a Bear Pineapple
Personality: Kippy tells me he is simply Hello Kitty's Hawaiian femboy cousin. He likes refined little snacks at teatime, and wearing extremely frilly variants of the mu'umu'u. He is a young man of few words, but he asked me to link you the Nation of Hawaii's official website so you can read about the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement.
click to read more about Kippy
Type: Jellycat unicorn of some sort
Customizations: I dare not
Scent: None
Personality: Aloha Kippy's tiny friend, who he has tea and discusses the social issues of our day and age with.
click to read more about Marshmallow
Type: random fast fashion plush purse
Customizations: Custom safety eyes, felt nose
Scent: None
Personality: If THINGUS had a mouth, he would yowl. a lot. a whole lot. He is an anxious boy with many, many thoughts on his tiny mind.
click to read more about THINGUS